Genius Teaching & Learning

"Teaching and learning are a kind of natural food for the mind."

At Genius School, we recognize the vital role that teaching and learning play in the holistic development of a child. Our approach emphasizes continuous improvement, and academic heads actively identify areas of strength and opportunities for further development. There is a commitment to reflective practices, ensuring that the learning environment evolves over time.

Key Aspects of Teaching and Learning:

  1. Assessment for Learning: Our school employs Assessment for learning practices, involving students in peer- and self-assessment. Clear objectives and targets guide assessments, empowering students to understand their progress and areas for improvement.
  2. Recognition and Motivation: Rewards and praise are integral to our teaching approach, elevating the status of learning and motivating students. Positive reinforcement encourages a high regard for the learning process.
  3. Barriers to Learning: We have implemented diverse interventions to address barriers to learning. These include learning mentors, revision days, peer mentors, and reading buddy schemes, ensuring a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

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